Does Jeep Gladiator Have Remote Start Feature? (Answered)

The trending feature among vehicles produced recently is the remote start. And buying a new one that doesn’t have this feature can make you feel left out.

So, if you just got the Jeep Gladiator or are saving up for it, you may wonder whether it supports remote start. 

Gladiator models like the Jeep Gladiator 2021 have the remote start feature. With the key fob or a special mobile app on your smartphone, you can start a Gladiator without turning the ignition. 

Do All Jeep Gladiators Have Remote Start?

jeep gladiator have remote start

Yes, all Jeep Gladiators support remote start. But while it’s a feature that every model supports, not all models come with a remote start.

So, that means that you’ll have to get OEM control modules and connect them to your vehicle for some of them.

Furthermore, you could also use a special app, Uconnect, supported by Jeep, to play remote start. 

Which Models of The Jeep Gladiator Support Remote Start?

The models of the Jeep Gladiator that usually come with remote start preinstalled are the 2020 Jeep Gladiator, the 2021 Jeep Gladiator, and the 2022 Jeep Gladiator.

  1. 2020 Jeep Gladiator: Some 2020 Jeep Gladiators have the remote start feature while others do not. If yours doesn’t have it, you can get an OEM control module and set it up with the vehicle’s key fob. It’s common knowledge that some vehicles don’t support this, but the 2020 Jeep Gladiator does. 
  2. 2021 Jeep Gladiator: The 2021 Jeep Gladiator model supports remote start too. Although if yours doesn’t have the feature, you have to use an OEM module and calibrate it to work with the key fob to start the truck remotely. 
  3. 2022 Jeep Gladiator: Custom OEMs for the all-new 2022 Jeep Gladiator know are a bit pricier than those of the others. Nonetheless, the Gladiator remote start usually works as preinstalled in most cases.

How Does Remote Start Work On A Jeep Gladiator?

On the Jeep Gladiator, remote start works by copying the order of processes when you turn on the ignition normally. 

As mentioned above, remote start isn’t a feature that comes preinstalled in all Jeep Gladiators.

However, with OEM control modules and a couple of other hardware, you can install a fully functional remote start system on your Jeep Gladiator.

Luckily Jeep supports this feature and doesn’t place any obstacles to purposely make this process difficult or impossible like some select vehicle brands do. 

How to Install A Remote Start System On A Jeep Gladiator?

To install a remote start system on a Jeep Gladiator, you have to connect OEM control modules to a couple of corresponding ports just below the ignition, headlights switch, the glove box.

You also need to program your Gladiator’s key fob to match the OEM module and ignite the vehicle remotely.

I highly recommend MPC’s remote start system; you can get it on Amazon for about $150.

Below are the steps required to install a remote start system on your Gladiator.

  1. Remove the bottom panel just below the steering. It’s made of plastic, and you can easily detach it by putting your hand between the small space on the left of the panel and pulling it out.
  2. Next, you need to remove the plastic panel around the headlight switches. You’ll need a small tool to get between the tiny spaces between the panel and the dashboard before pulling it out.
  3. Remove headlight switches by prying the notches at the top and bottom bezels with a screwdriver. Then, disconnect the wiring on the switches.
  4. Next, you’ll have to remove the panel housing the HVAC controls and the ignition button by prying it out. Then, unplug the two connections on the controls. 
  5. Then, open the glove box on the lower right side of the dashboard. When it’s open, pull out the shock located on the lower left of the glove box’s exterior. Next, push the glove box slightly in, but not enough to lock it, and push the tab. After pushing the tab, the glove box will fall out, showing some distribution blocks.
  6. Next, push the green left distribution block to the left to detach it from its mounting tab. 
  7. Detach the fourth connection in the second row of the green distribution block by separating the white plastic holding the wires from the green block. 
  8. The remote start system usually comes with a wire harness. So, you’ll have to prepare them for installation.
  9. Pass the part of the harness for parking lights through the opening left from the exposed panel below the steering to that of the headlights switches. Next, plug the OEM connector into the corresponding port on the harness. Then, connect the other end of the harness to the switch of the headlights switches. 
  10. Put the switchback in the dashboard and place its panel back in its original position.
  11. Pass the section of the harness labeled ignition through the exposed bottom of the steering to the HVAC and ignition switch’s exposed panel. Plug the OEM connector there to the corresponding port on the harness.
  12. Pick the harness for the jumpers and select the blue and pink wires only. It’s best to fold over and tape the green and brown wires together since you won’t use them. 
  13. Connect the blue wire with the connection you detached earlier. Then plug in the pink wire to the port the connection occupied before. Next, place the distribution block back on its mounting tab.
  14. Next, run the other end of the harness with a green wire through the exposed area where the glove box was, through holes in the HVAC and ignition panel right to the exposed area just below the steering. Then plug that part into the corresponding part of the harness on that end
  15. Because programming for the module differs, it’s best to refer to the manual of the OEM control module to see how to program it with your key fob. There’s usually an entire section in the installation guide dedicated to this. But you may need a technician to run through these processes for you as they can be pretty tactical.
  16. Ensure that you place every part you removed back in its original position. After that, you can remote start your Jeep successfully. 

How to Use Remote Start on Jeep Gladiator?

To start your Jeep Gladiator remotely, you need to press the lock button on the key fob three times. The truck will start up after a few seconds. 

Once set up, remote starting your Jeep is easy, especially if programmed with your Jeep’s key fob.

While there are slight differences between OEM module manufacturers, their remote start gestures are usually the same.

All you need to do is press the lock button three times, and the vehicle will start up on its own. 

If you don’t enter the vehicle, it usually takes between 45 seconds to 15 minutes to turn off after starting up.

This feature is very useful if you mistakenly turned on your vehicle or you have a toddler that played with the key fob.

It will turn off to save gas and prevent any accidents that may occur from leaving your vehicle on for so long.

Can I Start My Jeep Gladiator From My Phone?

Using the Jeep-supported Uconnect App, you can start your Jeep remotely from your mobile device. 

You need to configure the Uconnect App with your Gladiator, and you’re good to go. To do this, you have to enter the details of your vehicle in the spaces provided in the app.

After that, it will connect to your vehicle’s electrical system and be able to control several things, including the ignition. Does Jeep Gladiator Come With A Tool Kit?

Why is My Jeep Gladiator Remote Start Not Working?

jeep gladiator have remote start

Your Jeep Gladiator’s remote start may not be working because the company did not include the feature, or there was a fault in installing the remote system.

As aforementioned, some Jeep Gladiators don’t come with this feature.

I believe not including this feature is an attempt to deprive you of the full experience when you buy a lower-end version of the model.

However, it could also be a manufacturing defect, rare in Jeep vehicles.

Also, if you had to install the remote start system yourself and it’s still not working, you probably didn’t program the key fob properly.

It could also be that the wire harness is faulty or that Jeep doesn’t support the OEM product you used. 

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All Jeep Gladiator models have the remote start feature or support control module from OEMs that support it.

Remote start works by initiating the processes that usually precede normal ignition in your Gladiator. You can easily play remote start by pressing the lock button thrice.

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