Why FrogWheeler ? We’re here to help for free


Welcome to FrogWheeler! I’m Allan, a mechanical engineer in love with cars, and especially, driving them! I have created FrogWheeler (with a team of passionate writers) because we believe that everyone should have the information they need to keep their car running smoothly.

This website is designed to help car owners with their questions. We provide information on how to take care of your car, what to do when you have a problem, and how to find the right mechanic. We post articles about car care and maintenance.

We provide helpful information and advice on everything from routine maintenance to major repairs. We’re here to help you keep your car running like new for as long as possible.

We know how important it is to have a reliable car, and we’re dedicated to helping you keep your car in top condition.

About us


We are a team of volunteers, and are paid by posting ads. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes during your visit. This is the only way we can finance the writing of the hundreds of answers you will find on FrogWheeler!