Does Honda Use Soy-Based Wiring? (Read This First)

With all the potential dangers that sophisticated techs of our modern world pose, it has become imperative for us to be careful.

Now more than ever before, we should focus on how to make eco-friendly materials that are usable for our daily activities.

Some automobile companies have started making automotive parts from renewable materials, hence the car soy-based wiring. But has Honda begun to use the Soy-based wiring as well?

For over two decades now, Honda has been using soy-based wiring for wire insulation. All automakers, including Honda, use Soy-Based wiring as an insulation technique for wires. The soy-based wiring technique is a widespread insulation method that is very cheap and eco-friendly for humans. 

What Is Soy-Based Wiring?

Honda Use Soy-Based Wiring

The car soy-based wiring is simply using a natural renewable plant like the soybean to manufacture some car components.

This technology has grown to be accepted by virtually all automakers, including luxury companies like BMW and even Tesla.

The soy-based wiring insulation technique is globally adopted for two reasons. Firstly, it is a cheap material, and secondly, it aligns with the “all green car goal.”

Since the beginning of the 21st-century car models, many car manufacturers have employed the Soy-based wiring insulation technology.

However, before the advent of the Soy-based wiring system, plastic, rubber, and petroleum oil-based insulation were more popular.

Today the use of Soy to make various car components and wire insulation is not new. For example, different automobile manufacturers make use of Soy for the manufacture of car seats.

But with the advent of this fantastic soy-based wiring technique, some car owners ran into unforeseen issues with rodents infestation.

As it is edible, it now seems that customers have to live with the constant worry of rats chewing the soy-based wire.

Unfortunately, Soy is something edible for rats and squirrels, and as a result, you may notice the wiring insulation in shambles.

However, you can remedy this issue with the proper preventive measures.

Does Honda Still Use Soy-Based Wiring?

Yes, Honda and several other automakers are still using the soy-based wiring insulation technique.

However, Honda is ready to be eco-friendly with its environment and produce the best kind of car.

Hence, some Honda car components are designed with renewable materials that are cheaper and better than oil insulation.

However, there is most likely to be a wrong side to every good thing.

#1. Pros of Soy-Based Wiring

  • The soy-based wiring insulation is a very cheap source of manufacturing materials for automakers. In addition, since Soy is a frequently naturally renewable material, it becomes easy to obtain and use.
  • Soy is an eco-friendly manufacturing material. By this, I mean that Soy is inadvertently better for humans and the environment.
  • It is less flammable in causes of sudden fire, unlike the previously used petroleum and oil wire-based insulation. 
  • Finally, it is even more effective than plastics and other previously used insulation techniques.

#2. Cons of the Soy-Based Wiring 

  • Among the many pros of Soy, it has generated several complaints from car owners of rodent nesting.

    Unfortunately, as an edible material for rodents, its durability is cut short whenever there is a rodent infestation.
  • The soy-based wiring technique also poses great health hazards to car users. It is possible to see animals huddled up and practically living anywhere in your car.

    These rodents can cause health issues, especially when animals are close to the cabin air filter, a perfect way to spread airborne diseases.
  • Damages caused by rodents to the soy-based wiring insulation are challenging to repair.

    In addition, your car can be disabled overnight as the Soy may tend to attract rats, squirrels, mice, and some termites.
  • Because of the Soy used in manufacturing some components in our cars, there is an increased maintenance cost.

    In addition, it will cost you to get rid of the rat dropping or urine, especially if you cannot clean it yourself.

Which Honda Models Have a Soy-Based Wiring?

Over the years, the soy-based wiring coating has been used by Honda for several Honda models, if not all. In 2000, Honda started using soy-based wiring insulation for its car models.

Therefore, it is safe to say that from the year 2000 till date, virtually all Honda car models use soy-based insulation for wire insulation.

Several Honda models have soy-based wiring, while some have other components made of such materials.

This material has become widespread in the automobile industry, with many suppliers using the technique. However, for now, I can only think of a few Honda models that have soy-based wiring insulation.

This Honda model includes the Honda Accord, Honda Accent, Honda Passport, Genesis Coupe, and the Honda Elantra.

In addition, several lineups of Honda car models have soy-based wiring insulation and other components made out of it. 

How Do I Keep Rats Out Of My Car Wiring?

The best way to avoid rodents nesting in and around the hood of your car is to stick by the preventive measures. Embedded inside your car manual are measures to ensure proper car maintenance.

Do well to obey. It is always best to use preventative measures to stop rodent infestation because some damages caused by these rodents may be complicated to fix.

Therefore, you can do the following whenever you begin to notice rodents around your vehicle.

  • Use a powerful smell or taste deterrent around your vehicle. For example, peppermint oil has a powerful scent that helps deter rodents from coming close to your car.
  • You can as well set traps around your vehicle against the rodents. The use of mouse and rat traps will significantly reduce the rodents coming around your car.
  • Some car owners are fond of parking their vehicles outside at night. Unfortunately, this kind of habit helps to encourage rodent infestation as they can smell anything edible from afar.

    So you should ensure that you park your vehicles in a well-enclosed garage.
  • It would be best to regularly clean up your car interior for candy wrappers or fast food scraps. This food remnant may sometimes be why you always have rodents around your car.

    Cleaning is a fundamental and excellent practice that will help prevent even other animals from coming close.
  • Ensure to start up your car regularly, especially when it has not been used for a while. All rodents look for a dark, closed, and quiet environment to abode.
  • Finally, do not always cover up your car at night since dark zones are hiding places for rodents.

These may seem extra stressful to practice, but it is for your vehicle’s good and normally lasts only the winter period. Rodents are mostly visible during this season of the year.

So for the betterment of your cars, do well to avoid rodent nesting by adhering to these simple head-ups.


It is wise to use natural renewable materials as part of our car components today, especially since they serve their purpose well.

For example, the soy-based wiring technique of wire insulation has proven to be a cheap natural resource that serves the purpose of insulation.

As a result, this technique has become widely spread and acceptable by virtually all automakers to manufacture an insulator for car wire insulations.

As most Honda models have Soy-based wiring, Honda isn’t an exception.

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