How To Reset Ram Park Assist Sensor? (Beginners Guide)
Park assist systems are prone to malfunctions due to a variety of reasons. Some may be due to bad weather conditions or damages originating from the systems’ electronic wiring.
A more common cause is when a water buildup clogs the sensors affecting their sensory and transmitting abilities.
However, you can simply resolve any malfunctions by resetting the Park assist system and reactivating the module.
So, how do you reset the park assist system? Read further to find out.
To reset, go through the resetting icon on your instrument cluster display (if equipped). First, ensure the vehicle is on. Next, press the back-up sensor switch ten times, turn the vehicle off, press and hold the back-up sensor switch for ten seconds again, turn the vehicle back on, wait for about ten more seconds, then restart the park assist system.
How Does Ram Park Assist Sensor Work?
Depending on the model, the Ram park assist system uses either 4 or 6 sensors on both the rear and front bumper of the vehicle.
The sensors collectively sense and signal the driver when objects are close to it.
Once the sensors detect an obstacle, it gives a beep sound, and the parking system warning appears on your vehicle’s instrument cluster display.
The display would show an arc depicting the sensors’ region and the proximity, distance, and location of the obstacle to the sensors.
The beep sound increases as the vehicle draw closer to the obstacle, signaling from slow to fast and then continuously. Also, the display color changes from yellow to red.
Depending on the distance of the obstacle to the car, the system may attempt to brake automatically once it detects an obstacle.
However, you can turn off this automatic feature in your car settings’ safety and driving assistance section.
The driver can also override this automatic feature by pressing the acceleration pedal.
However, because park assist systems use visual and audible sensory devices to diagnose and inform the driver on approaching obstacles accurately, it can hinder proper analysis when dirt or debris is stuck on the surfaces of either or all sensors.
Therefore, you should thoroughly clean the surface of each sensor regularly. It would be best to do this at least once a week or after driving through muddy or snowy terrains.
Why is My Ram Park Assist Malfunctioning?
A host of reasons could limit your park assist system from functioning properly.
Issues range from bad weather conditions to park sensors failure or park assist wire harness damage.
For example, when driving through bad weather conditions such as snowy or rainy terrains, there tends to be an accumulation of water inside the sensors, obstructing their normal functioning.
This water buildup, when leftover time, can cause serious damage to the system’s wire harness connection.
Most times water buildup occurs in separate sensors and not all.
To find out which sensors aren’t working, turn on your vehicle, switch the gear selector to either drive or reverse, then walk around the vehicle and touch each sensor with your finger.
If you feel a tingling sensation in your finger, then your sensor is okay and would probably just need a reset.
If not, you may need to check the wiring harness. If you do not feel a tingling sensation on any of the sensors, then that sensor is bad.
You can change and repair the bad sensor or sensors yourself or take it to an auto mechanic.
If, after changing sensors, your park assist system doesn’t work, try using a dehumidifier spray to clean it up. WD-40 is an example of a great dehumidifier spray for this purpose.
The multi-purpose spray helps drive out moisture and water buildup inside the sensors that may be clogging their normal functioning.
Spray the dehumidifier can at the sensor and rub it off with a clean towel.
Do the same for all sensors and then switch on your car and retest the park assist system.
If, after doing all these, your park assist system is still not functioning, take it to an auto mechanic or your dealer.
How to Repair Bad or Faulty Sensors?
Most times, park assist systems are not working due to bad or faulty sensors. Therefore, it is best to change the faulty sensor or sensors as soon as possible.
You can do this yourself; although it may be more tedious, it would save you some expenditure.
To change a bad or faulty sensor, slide under the area of your vehicle where the bad sensor is located.
Next, pull out the wiring tab connecting it to the vehicle, and pull out the bad sensor lodged within the adaptor with a screwdriver or any tool at your disposal that serves.
Once you’ve pulled out the bad sensor, fix the new sensor and plug in the wiring harness. Do this for all bad sensors around the car.
Be sure to check the wiring harness of each sensor in case of corrosion or broken connectors. Usually, this happens due to a short in the fuse of the wires.
If you notice corrosion or broken connectors in the wiring plugged into your sensor, you may need to change the wiring harness.
Before fixing a new module or wiring harness, ensure to code it to your vehicle correctly.
Lastly, ensure to clean the surfaces of each sensor before putting it on your car to test the park assist system.
Although Park assists systems are extremely helpful and make driving in tight spots easier, the driver should not rely totally on the system and be ready to take full control whenever the need arises or for situations requiring technical maneuvering.
Dodge Ram Park Assist System Failure – Sensor Replacement
Final Comments
In conclusion, follow all instructions in the resetting section of your instrument cluster display (if equipped) before resetting your Ram park assist system.
Factors such as water or moisture buildup in sensors and fuse blowouts are also causes of malfunctioning in park assist systems.
Also, regularly clean the surfaces of your sensors with a dehumidifier spray such as WD-40.