Does Jeep Compass Have Two Batteries? (Let’s See)

The new Jeep Compass is one of the most classic and elegant Jeeps. The latest models are plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

It has a lot of features and accessories. Electric cars do rely majorly on batteries for the main power. 

However, the Jeep Compass series has a reputation in the market. Many users have expressed pleasure in how the car can function for extended hours without recharging.

What’s the reason? Does the Jeep Compass have two batteries?

Yes! Your new Jeep Compass car has two batteries in its standard feature. The dual battery system is just one of the many features that make this car series unique. In addition, the vehicle has several accessories and components. So it’s no surprise for many to see the car with such ingenious addition.

Does the Jeep Compass Have Two Batteries?

Jeep Compass Have Two Batteries

The Jeep Compass car series has several exciting features and compartments; a dual battery system is one of such features. The company started this car series production in 2006.

The first generation of cars in this series was in production till 2017. The next generation has seen some change and improvement in its essential features and compartments.

The second generation of cars in this series started production in 2018. If you have one of the newer generation cars, you have two Jeep Compass batteries.

The use of two batteries is common in many hybrid cars today. 

Admittedly, not all hybrids have two batteries. So the fact that you have a hybrid car does not automatically mean you have two batteries.

However, if your car is a Jeep Compass, it has a dual battery system.

Why Does My Jeep Compass have Two Batteries?

The two batteries in your Jeep Compass do not have the same primary function. While they can perform any running function in your car, they have basic specifications.

The main battery has a role similar to those in vehicles with one battery. The main battery starts the process of starting the car. Cranking is another name for this process. 

The use of dual batteries by Jeep Compass comes with many benefits. Prolonged use of power without recharging is one primary reason why your Jeep Compass has two batteries.

In addition, there are a lot of features and accessories in your car that need a power supply to function. 

The dual battery system ensures you have a backup. Complete battery drainage does not lead to getting stuck on the roadside.

Here are the primary reasons why your Jeep Compass has two batteries:

#1. Prolonged Battery Use

The prolonged battery use is possible because the two batteries share the vehicle’s load at the start of your drive. The vehicle load includes all the accessories in the car.

For example, your car’s heated steering wheel, heated seats, and air conditioning are accessories you find in a typical Jeep Compass.

This division ensures neither of your Jeep Compass battery runs out easily and quickly. Here is the exciting part. Read more to know if Jeep Needs A New Battery

There is a change to prevent a considerable reduction of power in the primary battery. As you drive on, the two batteries disconnect.

This disconnection saves your primary source of power to ensure longevity. Longevity is not the reason why your Jeep has a dual battery system.

#2. Back-Up Power 

As with anything that involves mechanism and operation, they can develop a fault at any time.

Sometimes, you don’t get warnings before these faults happen, leaving you stranded somewhere. However, the dual battery system serves as emergency protection for you.

It is rare to have both batteries develop a fault simultaneously. That means you always have a battery to help out.

It is like having your backup generator with you. You can connect the primary battery to the auxiliary battery. 

Once you make the connection, you can use the auxiliary battery to supplement the cranking demand of the main before going on for repair.

These are some reasons why your Jeep Compass has a reasonable need for your two batteries. 

What does the Jeep Auxiliary Battery do?

The auxiliary battery is another important of your car. In the 2020 Jeep Compass, this battery is in front of the driver’s side of your vehicle.

Its major function is to power your car’s accessories as you drive to your destination.

The accessories range from smartphone chargers to air conditioning systems and many others. All of which need a good supply of power to function optimally.

The auxiliary battery supplies the power demands of these accessories with the main battery at the start of the journey.

However, due to continuous use, an isolator disconnects the two batteries. 

The entire load rests only on the auxiliary batteries when this isolation happens. The aim is to save your main battery for cranking when needed

Note that for Jeep Compass, the headlights and a few other accessories like the radio remain connected to the primary battery. However, the drain reduces extensively.

Are Two Batteries Better than One? 

There is a saying that two heads are better than one. Many users wonder if this is true for Jeep Compass batteries.

However, suppose you use your car with proper application. In that case, it is possible to enjoy having a vehicle with a dual battery system.

The main battery is a sealed lead-acid battery, and it is not strong enough to withstand the demands of your gorgeous car for long.

So the second battery is there to ease the pressure on your main battery. 

The prolonged use you enjoy from this application is proof that the two batteries are better than one. However, like all things with a beginning, there is an end.

After years of use, one or both batteries might need replacement.

Car battery replacement can be funny, especially if your car runs on dual batteries. In most cases, one battery gets worn out before the other.

You might want to replace the worn-out battery while keeping the other. It is best if you don’t do that.

To enjoy the services of the new battery, you should replace both. Using a new battery with an old one will affect the latest version significantly.

It reduces the lifespan drastically. So if you are going in for car battery replacement, be ready to replace the two.

How Do You Check the Battery in a Jeep Aux?

There might be a need to check your car battery to test its power and strength.

While many are familiar with the steps involved in checking the main battery, checking the auxiliary battery can be tricky. 

To check the auxiliary battery, you start with the main battery. Then, you disconnect the two cables on the negative terminal of the main battery.

Finally, one of the cables connects to the auxiliary battery ground terminal. 

Connect your battery tester to the positive terminal of the main battery on one side. Then, connect the disconnected terminal to the other end. With that connection, you can check your battery.

The battery warning light in your Jeep Compass can also be an indicator when there are issues with your auxiliary battery. 

Under normal conditions, the alternator charges your battery while driving to prevent drain. However, if there are issues with the system, the indicator warns you.

This warning could indicate low auxiliary battery power. You might have to turn off some of your accessories if this happens.

The warning light shows that you need to check your Jeep Compass aux battery.

Can you Charge Two Batteries in Parallel?

Charge Two Batteries in Parallel

The connection of your batterie is a parallel one. You can charge the batteries in the same format. This style means both batteries connect to one source of recharge.

An isolator connects the two chargers. This isolator is responsible for several mechanisms in the car battery system.

The alternator is responsible for charging both batteries. However, it connects directly to the main battery and not the auxiliary, which means it charges first.

When this battery is complete, the isolator allows for current passage. Then, the auxiliary battery starts charging. 

The isolator works automatically, so you don’t need to connect or disconnect anything. Its mechanism recognizes when the main battery is full and links the auxiliary battery.


Jeep Compass assures you of prolonged battery use thanks to the ingenious dual battery system. You get to drive comfortably.

That is because you have a backup power source at your beck and call. Jeep Compass can keep your compass working, ensuring you find your way home.

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