Honda Passport Remote Start Not Working? (Let’s See)

It is quite annoying to experience technical issues with Honda Passport car models, especially if it has to do with the Honda Remote Start.

However, with all such technical faults, there is always a way out of them. It becomes a relief knowing such remote start faults and how to resolve them.

This article will discuss the possible causes of a Honda Passport Remote Start not working in detail

It sometimes happens that the Honda Passport Remote Start will all of a sudden stop working. Often, this happens due to one or two minor issues here and there that you can resolve personally. Therefore, relax, check out some of these faults, and get to know how to correct and fix them.

What Does It Mean When Your Remote Start Doesn’t Work?

Honda Passport Remote Start Not Working

Whenever your Honda Passport Remote Start suddenly stops working, there is a fault somewhere. However, it is rare for the Honda Passport to start remote to be faulty; the remote start button not working is likely the car’s fault.

So, whenever the features of the key fob remote stop working, don’t panic, as you can resolve most of the defects quickly.

Several faults could be the possible cause of the remote start not working. However, the relief is that you can easily resolve these issues without stress.

First off, when your Honda remote stops working, do well to figure out the reason behind such occurrences. Therefore, whenever your Honda remote stops functioning, try to check some of the car components. 

You will have to check a few things to enable the Honda remote button to work again. These car components work hand-in-hand with the Honda remote start button.

Hence they can also hinder the remote start from working properly. These car components include a car battery, coolant and oil pressure, and the car’s engine, among many others.

Therefore to make the Honda start remote to work again, ensure these car components function at their best.

Why Is The Honda Passport Start Remote Not Working?

Several things can hinder the Honda Passport from starting remotely. Some of these reasons may be from the user that can be corrected, while others are mechanical faults.

However, don’t be wary since you can correct user faults and easily resolve mechanical faults.

As the saying goes, knowing the problem is the first part of solving it.

Below are a few reasons why the Honda Passport remote start system will stop working suddenly.

#1. Wrong Starting Procedure

Starting up your car using the Honda remote start button the wrong way will not work. There is always the right way to do things to arrive at the desired result, even starting your car.

Starting up a car may be very basic, but it is also a possible reason for the remote not working. Therefore, to start up your car, follow the following procedures.

  • To start up your Honda Passport remotely, press the lock button to lock the car. This step is very important as skipping it would prevent the remote start system from working.
  • Secondly, press the remote start button for about three seconds to kick start the car. You would sometimes have to hold the button till the turn signal flashes light. Without encountering any other fault, the vehicle should start by doing so.

#2. Coolant and Oil Pressure

The temperature of the car’s coolant and the oil pressure can also prevent the remote from starting to work.

If the car’s coolant temperature is too high after use, the remote start system will automatically be disabled.

Also, if the oil pressure is too low, the same repercussions will occur. Therefore, to ensure the proper functioning of the remote start system, do well to check them regularly.

#3. Vehicle Not In Park Mode

By default, the no vehicle start remote button will work when the vehicle is not in the park mode.

So if your Honda Passport vehicle model isn’t in ‘park,’ the Honda remote start button will not work.

You will have to disengage and re-engage the ‘P’ before it works. You should take note of this as this is a common user fault, especially from learners.

#4. Car In Valet Mode

This mode can also cause the start remote system to not work in the Honda Passport, which is unknown to many users.

Therefore, your vehicle going into the valet mode may result from too many remote engine start attempts.

This issue can occur when multiple random keys are touched, either when the remote start is in your pocket or bag.

Also, whenever you take the car for maintenance services, the car will automatically go into valet mode. 

The valet mode is simply a safety measure embedded in the Honda Passport model. The ‘valet mode’ helps reduce car theft and prevent using the car without the owner’s permission.

This valet car mode doesn’t allow remote engine start.

#5. Dead or Weak Car Battery

Dead or Weak Car Battery

This point should be pretty obvious to you. The car wouldn’t start even by using your key or even hot-wiring your car with a weak or dead car battery; the car wouldn’t start.

So also, the Honda remote start will not work with a dead or weak car battery. A weak car battery is often the reason for the start remote system not working.

So, when all other options seem abortive, your last resort should be changing the car battery.

#6. Engine Warning Light

It is also advisable to always be conscious of the engine light on your car dashboard. The engine light will indicate any fault or malfunction in the engine.

You should know that the remote start system will not work with the engine light on no matter how minor the engine’s fault.

For example, even a loose gas cap can cause the engine light to turn on, which will, in turn, stop the remote start. 

Therefore, you will have to resolve the issue for which the engine indicator light was turned on before using the remote start.

The car’s engine is a very delicate component, and you should address any fault before using the car. By default, it protects the car’s engine from getting into the worst state.

#7. Car Model

This last point may apply to premium and hybrid cars. Sometimes, due to the sophisticated nature of a car’s makeup, other features might likely stop the remote start.

The best solution is to dust off and attentively go through the car’s manual for help in such a case.

So you can go through the car’s instruction manual under the ‘Car Remote Start Procedure’ for tips. 

The more classic the car model, the more sophisticated they tend to be. Hence, some additional features can hinder the functions of the remote start from working.

However, the most common causes of remote start not working have been discussed earlier.


It’s quite annoying when our car features fail to work properly. Your knowledge of handling such occurrences can go a long way in escaping such situations.

Like other car features, the Honda Passport Remote Start may sometimes fail to work. This issue could result from a user fault, but it is mostly a due mechanical fault.

The relief here is that almost all of these malfunctions can be corrected or resolved personally.

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