Alfa Romeo Infrared Windshield? (Things You Should Know)

Getting a cool vehicle is not just for the beauty but for its luxury, safety, and comfort when driving it.

What a vehicle has to offer matters a lot, and how it can be helpful during different seasons and situations is also essential.

When the sun can be scorching during the hot seasons, you are likely to experience inside your auto and materials in it getting hot. However, an infra-red windshield protects your vehicle from such situations.

Alfa Romeo’s infrared windshield gives extra protection from heat-related issues like the sun. This infrared-absorbent windshield absorbs and reflects heat, hence reducing the heat your car accumulates. Most Alfa Romeo cars come with this type of windshield as a treat of comfort, as it blocks any harmful light and keeps the vehicle cool.

What Is Alfa Romeo Infrared Windshield?

Alfa Romeo Infrared Windshield

An Alfa Romeo infra-red windshield is a type of windshield that protects your Alfa Romeo from extreme sunlight and heat.

It possesses the ability to be more heat-absorbent than a typical windshield; the heat from sunlight doesn’t penetrate it.

The windshield reduces the amount of heat your auto accumulates by absorbing and reflecting the heat.

What differentiates the optical windshield from the ordinary windshield is its design; the infrareds consist of two glass sheets, with an additional interlayer of two plastic materials known as Polyvinyl-butyral (PVB).

This build is thick enough to do the protecting job, but the PVB is the protecting agent here.

The polyvinyl-butyral has high anti-penetration characteristics, a heat insulator, and high laser and ultraviolet light ray rejection.

It gives the windshield strength and protects the windshield from a high percentage of harmful lights. When you use two of them for designing windshields, this material provides the glass with the quality.

This protection provided by the infra-red windshield adds more quality to the Alfa Romeo vehicle.

Unlike the ordinary windshield on cars, when you park your auto under the sizzling sun for long, the inside becomes hot and unconducive to sit in. 

Unless you have an AC installed in your auto, however,  the infra-red windshield reduces the expense of using an AC.

At times, when you sit inside your auto, there is this blinding light that the sun reflects.

But with the infra-red windshield, also known as the solar glass, the light will be filtered and reduced on your Alfa Romeo.

It will not only protect you from infra-red light, but it will also block harmful rays, such as ultraviolet light too.

Does Alfa Romeo Stelvio Have an Infrared Windshield?

Yes, an Alfa Romeo Stelvio has an infra-red windshield. When you buy a new Stelvio vehicle, you can see the laser windshield included in the convenience pack that comes with it.

The Stelvio vehicle, just like its other competitors, like the Mercedes-Benz, is a luxurious supercar that offers excellent comfort and convenience when driving.

The Alfa Romeo Stelvio carries advanced technology that protects you while driving. Having an auto whose windshield blocks half the infra-red light is a form of comfort to keep you cool.

This also shows that the Stelvio is reliable and will last for a couple of years.

The infra-red windshield will last long because of its quality; however, an accident may occur at any time. When the glass gets a crack, it’s advisable to fix another one because the damage will enlarge with time.

Also, when you want to fix it, ensure it’s a professional or a person who has the experience to do the replacing.

The windshield replacement involves tools that can be used well by only professionals. Also, it has some processes and procedures to follow in removing and fixing.

After replacing it, a unique software system checks the installed safety system and recalibrates it in the auto.

Does Alfa Romeo Giulia Have an Infra-red Windshield?

An infra-red windshield is a feature listed in the driver-assist dynamic package.  All Alfa Romeo Giulia has an infra-red as its windshield.

Alfa Romeo, as a company, is known for creating luxurious sports vehicles over the years.

Most sports cars have this infra-red windshield for protection while racing; hence the Alfa Romeo Giulia comes with this windshield.

Apart from the infra-red windshield feature in this auto, the model itself is fantastic. The Giulia is one out of other cars out there that will pick your interest when you see it.

The Alfa Romeo company builds cars not only for its speed but for the comfort and safety of the drivers and passengers.

Its design is top class; if you want that mid-sized luxurious auto with good safety attributes, the Alfa Romeo Giulia is the best.

The new models of the Giulia have some interior aspects that make driving fun and stress-free.

Attributes like the blind spot cross assist, the forward collision warning, and adaptive cruise control to prevent your vehicle from colliding with another on the road.

Another interesting fact about this auto is that the price is usually more affordable than the other Alfa Romeo vehicles.

Do Windshields Block Infra-red?

Yes, they do, but not wholly; by the way, infra-red cannot be entirely blocked by any type of glass used. The ordinary windshield in cars absorbs infra-red rays and heats up after some time.

If you park your auto or it’s not in motion while the infra-red heats up the auto, there will be heat conduction on the windshield into the Interior.

Generally,  a windshield works to protect the eyes from direct sunlight; every windshield is supposed to be able to.

The main difference between the infra-red windshield and the ordinary windshield is just the level of heat endurance. The infra-red windshield absorbs more heat and bounces off more infra-red.

Windshields all block infra-red, that’s a fact, but one type has more protective features than the others. Glass is already an opaque object that doesn’t allow any light to pass through.

When the windshield is heated up, when the vehicle is in motion, at speed, the glass will get cool by the airflow from the surrounding. 

So it doesn’t matter if you use an infra-red windshield or a typical windshield; they both protect your road vision.

Sometimes you hear people say tinting your windshield adds to the infra-red protection; it’s true; however, the heat will still find its way into it.

The tinting of the glass makes the car’s interior darker, which adds to keeping the interior cooler.

Is There any Draw Back of Having an Infrared Windshield?

Having an infra-red windshield has more benefits than harmful effects; the only downside here is the thickness of the glass layers.

Apart from the high price of getting the infra-red windshield, the major downside of having it is that it blocks radio-controlled devices. 

Any device that is radio controlled, such as automatic cars starters, won’t work well. So you will need a patch; the patch must be IR permeable for it to work correctly.

This should not be a significant drawback in the protective technology of the infra-red windshield.

Apart from protecting against infra-red and other harmful lights, like ultraviolet light, it also offers excellent benefits.

An infra-red windshield reduces fuel consumption; instead of switching on your car’s air condition, which uses fuel, the windshield will keep you cool.

It also prolongs the car’s health because using this windshield is also a way of maintaining your auto.


Alfa Romeo cars are comfortable with advanced technologies and fancy features; having an infra-red windshield makes them more comfortable and safe.

The infra-red windshield is not the only item in the driver-assist dynamic package of the Alfa Romeo.

The auto high beam system, forward collision warning, lane departure warning, and adaptive cruise control are also available.

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